About Our Organization

Core Values:                                   We Value PEOPLE

  • Positivity: Cultivate a positive and uplifting environment that fosters hope and optimism. Through encouraging words and supportive actions, we aim to create a space where individuals not only find solace but also discover the strength within themselves to overcome challenges.
  • Empathy: Embrace and understand the experiences and feelings of others with compassion and empathy. By actively listening and acknowledging diverse perspectives, we foster a community where people feel truly seen and valued, enhancing the bonds that connect us all.


  • Openness: Encourage open communication, honesty, and transparency in all interactions. We believe that by promoting a culture of openness, we create an atmosphere where individuals can freely share their thoughts, fostering a sense of trust and mutual understanding.
  • Personal Growth: Support and inspire continuous personal development and growth for individuals and the community. Our commitment to personal growth goes beyond the individual, extending to the collective, as we believe that a thriving community is built upon the empowerment of its members.
  • Liberation: Strive for the liberation of minds from stigma, creating a space where everyone feels free to express themselves. Through education and awareness, we challenge societal misconceptions surrounding mental health, aiming to liberate individuals from the constraints of judgment and discrimination.
  • Equality: Champion equality, recognizing the inherent value and dignity of every individual, irrespective of background or circumstance. We are dedicated to dismantling barriers to equality, fostering an inclusive environment where diversity is celebrated, and everyone has equal access to support and resources.

Diversity & Inclusion Statement

At MINEMATTERS FOUNDATION INC, we believe in a world where everyone feels welcome, accepted, and valued. Our commitment to diversity and inclusion is simple but powerful: every person, regardless of who they are or where they come from, deserves respect and support.

Diversity means embracing the unique qualities that make each of us special. We celebrate differences in backgrounds, experiences, and perspectives because we know that these differences enrich our community and make us stronger together. Inclusion is not just a word for us; it’s a promise. We strive to create a space where everyone feels included, heard, and appreciated.

Message From CEO/Founder


I am humbled and honored to welcome you to our compassionate haven, where every mind matters. As the founder of this incredible journey, I want to share the inspiration behind our mission and the heartfelt commitment we bring to mental health advocacy.

Life can present challenges, and at times, it may seem like no one truly understands. But here, in our community, you’re not alone. I’ve been there, facing struggles with my own mental health. It’s okay not to be okay, and that’s why I founded this foundation—to create a place where everyone feels heard, valued, and supported.

This foundation was born from a simple truth: that every individual grappling with mental health challenges deserves compassion, understanding, and untiring support. My personal journey and encounters with the profound impact of mental health struggles have ignited a fire within me to create a sanctuary where stories are heard, and no one faces their battles alone.

Oghomwen Edionwe


About Us


Welcome to MINEMATTERS FOUNDATION INC, where hearts connect, and healing begins. We’re more than an organization – we’re a family, born from the personal journey of someone who understands the pain, confusion, and courage it takes to face mental health challenges.

As an immigrant in the United States, our founder knows the unique struggles of navigating mental health in different worlds. It’s not just about crossing borders; it’s about crossing the borders within our minds. We’ve been there, and we’re here to say: that you’re not alone.

Mission Statement:

MINEMATTERS FOUNDATION INC is committed to inspiring conversations that matter, erasing the shadows of isolation, and nurturing a culture where mental well-being is not just a goal, but a shared journey. We are dedicated to fostering a community that embraces the inherent value of each person, recognizing that their struggles do not define them. Through accessible resources, empathetic outreach, and stigma-shattering initiatives, we strive to build a sanctuary of hope and resilience.

Vision Statement:

We envision a society where the stigma surrounding mental health is replaced with compassion, where resources for mental wellness are easily accessible to all, and where no one hesitates to seek help. Through our efforts, we aim to contribute to a paradigm shift, making mental health education an integral part of everyday life.

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